E-Commerce Trade Portal, KTNET
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전자상거래무역서비스 한 눈에 보기 아이콘E-Commerce Trade Services Info
One-stop processing of sales management, warehouse management, export customs clearance
이용가이드 다운로드 아이콘Service User Guide
Are you a first-time user? Download the usage guide!
Open API 안내 아이콘Open API Guide
By the API service provided by KTNET, simple export declaration is automatically linked.

[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP1 .E-Commerce Trade Portal and Export Declaration Basic Introduction

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[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP2. Set e-commerce export declarations and declaration defaults

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[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP3. Create an e-commerce export declaration in Excel

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[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP4 .How to prepare an export declaration by e-commerce situation

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[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP5 .Process after the transmission of the export declaration to the customs office and how to respond to errors

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[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP6 .How to take action by export declaration or non-refundable goods, simple refund error message

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[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP7 .How to take action by export declaration date/number, amount, weight, and item history error message

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[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP8 .E-commerce export implementation and measures for non-fulfillment

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[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP9 .Basic Introduction to Correction/Removal of E-Commerce Export Declaration

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[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP10 .Detailed Measures for Correction / Removal of E-Commerce Export Declaration

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[Complete conquest of e-commerce exports]EP11 .E-commerce Export Declaration Extension of Shipment Period

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한국무역정보통신(KTNET), 사업자번호 : 120-81-02922, 대표이사 : 차 영 환
서울 : 06164 서울 강남구 영동대로 511 트레이드타워 4층/ 판교 : 13493 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교로 338 한국전자무역센터

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